Saturday, August 21, 2010

Summer 2010 went by fast!

Well, school starts in 48 hours. The kids are doing their final back to school shopping, trying to get back on a sleep schedule, and dreading having to wake up early on Monday morning.

It's been a fantastic summer this year. We took more vacations than we ever have. Went to Ft Lauderdale as a couple, took the family to Disneyworld and met up with our friends, and took my brother's family to San Antonio and stayed in a resort.

My kids grew up before our eyes. My youngest daughter is looking more and more like a teenager and needs to stop growing up. My middle son is also growing while his voice cracks and the onset of testosterone impacts his mind. My oldest is preparing for his last year of high school while also courting his first girlfriend.

Fall is around the corner and it brings back memories and optimism. School brings football, labor day, halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years!

Spring will be here before you know it. Time is moving faster than ever and I just can't seem to keep up...... I really need to figure out how to slow it down and savor every minute.
I hope the rest of the world is having as much fun and creating memories as well.

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