Sunday, September 4, 2011

It's been a year! WOW!

Wow, when someone says time flies even faster as you get older, they're not kidding. I can't believe I've ignored my blog for over a year!
Let me start by trying to remember the moments since my last post:

Football Season: My oldest son Jacob was a senior and started for his team. They had an incredible year of incredible memories where they rose to the highest challenges, over came adversity, and beat the odds. They inspired a community and set a new standard of performance for all who follow.
My younger son Joshua, had a great football season as well as a freshman and hopes to also have a great high school experience by making the State Championship by the time he graduates.
My youngest, Jessica, made cheerleader and volleyball in the 7th grade. She would go on to make the basketball team but not play due to injury.

Spring brought the final season of baseball for Joshua as he decided to hang it up and pursue his love of lacrosse going forward.
Jacob, the senior, went the farthest into the State Lacrosse Playoffs of any class in their school history. They made it to the quarterfinals in Austin and were co champions of the Houston Area.
Jessica decided to try pole vaulting. She set the middle school record for 7th grade girls and went on to qualify for the Junior Olympics in New Orleans in August for her age group.
She ended up winning the Gold medal and being crowned the National Champion!

We took a Texas vacation this year to New Braunfels and Canyon Lake. It was beautiful and fun.

In the past month, Jacob started his freshman year in college, Joshua the 10th grade, and Jessica the 8th grade. Josh is playing football again, Jessica is currently cheering and playing volleyball.

We just keep chasing the kids and loving every minute of it knowing that it will soon come to an end and then what do we do?

Kids are the greatest gift we have. They inspire us, challenge us, give us hope, and provide opportunity to think about the future.

We turned 45 this year and my mortality is more apparent than ever. Staying healthy, young, and growing my mind has never been so important.
Like others, I need to push to exercise and definitely need to start watching my diet more.
The thought of not being there when my kids experience their next key stages is frightening.
I want to see them graduate, get married, have kids, and so on and so on......

Until then, this roller coaster keeps going up and down, with curves and twists, and my adrenaline just loves it! I can only hope the ride doesn't come to a stop anytime soon.

Go out there and make it a great day, week, month, or year! It's up to us.