Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Natural Disasters in Texas

Sorry for the absence....
At the end of August, Hurricane Gustav decided to scare the Gulf coast of Texas and then hit Louisiana. Texas was spared a direct hit and fortunately, I seized the opportunity to purchase some Hurricane items like bottled water, 5 gallon gas cans, crank radio and light, some batteries, and a generator.
Once we were cleared from danger, I contemplated returning the items hoping they we wouldn't be needed.
Unfortunately, on September 12, Hurricane Ike hit the Texas Gulf coast as a category three storm and heavily damaged the City of Houston and Galveston like never before. The items I purchased would eventually be invaluable to my family.
We were without power for 13 days. My family was able to have AC, TV and DVD player, refrigerator, some lamps, and ability to wash clothes.
I look like a hero to my family and our new Hurricane kit will always be ready if we ever need it.
We managed to learn a lot from this disaster.
Our reliance on power and energy is critical to our creature comforts in modern society. Stores couldn't open. Gas was unavailable. Traffic lights were dead. It was as if the world had entered a chaotic era with no end in sight.
Trying to imagine the conditions of developing countries is almost impossible in a civilized and superpower country. We take so much for granted.
On a good note, our family was able to spend a lot of time together without distractions and get back to some basics: reading, drawing, playing outside, etc.....
Many people did not have the amenities we had and really suffered through the storm. I put together some relief packages and distributed them to some of my employees on the southeast side of town which was the hardest hit in hopes of providing some relief to their pain.

In the end, the city will rebuild. Material items will be replaced. Lives will be redefined. Some families lost lives and will never be the same. We pray for God's compassion and strength in their lives.

Once again, we're reminded of our mortality, what's really important, and the value of each and every day.