Sunday, August 16, 2009

Hot August Nights!

Summer break is coming to an end. Kids due back in school on the 24th. Today's kids have longer school years with less summer time hoping for improvement in academics. I'm not sure I agree. I would prefer to see kids create more summer memories that they can have the rest of their lives as opposed to more time in the classroom. I'm probably partial since I love spending time with my kids and would love to have summers off with them.
It's been a hot summer and we've spent more time in the pool than we ever have.
The recession has inhibited our vacation plans but our time as a family has been great. We've rented a lot of movies from Blockbuster. They're having some financial challenges this year and may not make it. Netflix and Redbox have really hurt their business model. The home entertainment business will change forever after this year.

The economy is still hurting. Unemployment is around 10% and will not improve until next year if we're lucky. I pray that I can stay gainfully employed for my family and continue to be thankful for our blessings.

My daughter celebrated her 11th birthday on August 12th. She's growing up way too fast and I wish she would slow down. I know that's not realistic, but I miss her already even though she's not graduating in another 7 years.

Life is still moving too fast and I'm challenged in slowing it down and "smelling the flowers" on a daily basis. I focus in the morning, at lunch, and in the evening with clear thoughts and focus.
I've also found strength in some songs and videos that help remind me of our priorities.