Wednesday, February 4, 2009

2009 Brings Challenges and Opportunities

Ok, we're now living in the worst economic times since the Great Depression. January saw 100,000 people lose their jobs in the USA. Companies are closing everyday or announcing huge layoffs of thousands of employees. People can't afford homes or cars while everyone is cutting back on expenses and clipping coupons.
Our new president is Barack Obama, the first African American President of the United States. He is faced with the greatest economic challenge since Hoover.
The government is trying to pass a stimulus package of 850 billion dollars to help the economy and prevent another depression. The auto industry is on the verge of bankruptcy while the banking industry had to take advantage of a bailout.

I'll celebrate my 25 year reunion with my High School classmates this year. Everyone is on the Facebook craze and posting messages everyday. Social networking may never be the same.

My family lost a loved one today. Kelly, our cat, passed away peacefully after spending 23 years with us. Thats right. 23 years.
I never thought when I found her my sophomore year in college that she would be around until my kids were 15, 13, and 10. What an unbelievable gift from god.
She gave us so many memories that we'll never forget. We're going to miss her but know she's always with us in spirit.

Many people are anxious and scared right now. I have to admit I think about it everyday but choose to look for the blessings in my life. My family, pets, assets, resources, relationships, etc....

2009 is going to be a ride and I'm glad I get to be on it.